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- From: mbk@caffeine.engr.utk.edu (Matt Kennel)
- Newsgroups: alt.alien.visitors,alt.paranet.ufo,sci.skeptic
- Subject: Re: Carl Sagan's "The Demon-Haunted World"
- Followup-To: alt.alien.visitors,alt.paranet.ufo,sci.skeptic
- Date: 25 Jun 1996 20:10:48 GMT
- Organization: University of Tennessee, Knoxville and Oak Ridge National Laboratory
- Lines: 60
- Message-ID: <4qph48$l3m@gaia.ns.utk.edu>
- References: <31CC5DD3.B82@students.wisc.edu> <DtIB2r.219@avenger.daytonoh.ncr.com>
- Reply-To: kennel@msr.epm.ornl.gov
- NNTP-Posting-Host: caffeine.engr.utk.edu
- X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2]
- Xref: news.demon.co.uk alt.alien.visitors:89658 alt.paranet.ufo:54533 sci.skeptic:74350
- taranr () wrote:
- : > Sagan also discusses the total lack of _physical_ evidence, something which
- : I
- : > have always complained about also. Where is there a "flying saucer" or an
- : > "alien body" on display in a museum for all to examine?
- : This is a completely absurd line of reasoning. You're effectively using
- : the lack of physical proof as somewhat of a disproof of alien visitation,
- : which relies on the converse syllogism that alien visitation implies
- : availability of physical proof. Hence, you are implicitly making a claim
- : that you have not substantiated. However, if you think rationally about
- : this syllogism, do you really think that IF aliens were visiting, we
- : would thus have access to physical proof? Do you think they would drop
- : vehicle chunks on the ground, dump their alien garbage in our landfills,
- : drop their dead colleagues overboard, and flick their alien cigarettes
- : overboard? Or, will you be logical and admit that, if aliens are
- : visiting, most witnesses have a hard time shooting down their
- : high-performance vehicles?
- I think we *could* and *should* have uncontrovertible physical proof
- from planetary radar observing metallic objects accelerating out
- from the earth's gravity.
- Why? If they can visit, and they don't need a big base where
- they can land, and fix things, and put in spare parts, and eat and
- relax, they must have the ability to go back to their homeworld with little
- effort. There is no alien base on earth, or nearby in the solar system
- which supports an industrial complex sufficient to service flying saucers.
- Look at the support necessary for our system of airplanes and airports.
- If you want to consider neutrino-beings who are so powerful that they
- can do anything they want without any physical evidence then such a claim
- is inherently unfalsifiable.
- Complaining that scientists are ignoring it is like complaining that
- scientists are ignoring the AH: the Angel Hypothesis. Look at all the prayers
- to Saint So and So: "my sister was healed of brian (i mean brain) cancer!"
- : >I think that in addition to that it is quite apperant that the only evidence
- : that people will ever really accept is the body or vehicle of an alien
- : species. And maybe not even the alien vehicle. Which brings me to my main
- : point which is does anyone think that if a saucer did crash, that the U.S.
- : government would allow the story to get out? Is anyone that gullible?
- Why do you *presuppose* that the government would NOT allow the story to get
- out?
- If there was a good reason to not let the story out, they wouldn't, otherwise
- they would.
- : -Bob Tarantino
- --
- Matthew B. Kennel/mbk@caffeine.engr.utk.edu/I do not speak for ORNL, DOE or UT
- Oak Ridge National Laboratory/University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN USA/
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- my software terminates all email from "interramp.com" and "cris.com" without
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